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More than lyrics

More than lyrics

A powerful lyrics app, designed for Spotify

Lyrics have never been that alive

Spotify Original Interface

Clear, easy-to-use Spotify-style lyrics interface makes every syllable beats right with your pulse, along with the interface you know and love: Always straightforward and fluid

1:1 Apple Music Style

With syllable-by-syllable lyrics1, smooth and silky animations, duet views and background vocals, and even Lyricify's very own Magic Stripe, the experience is totally different.

Rich Customizablility

Your lyrics are in your way! From Apple Music style lyrics to Dynamic Lyrics Island, we offer probably the richest and most powerful customizable2 lyrics. Personalization, without compromise

Powered By Lyricify Intelligence

Not only Lyricify Vault that connects thousands of users, but also the Lyricify Intelligent Engine3 are along with you, enriching your music experience

More fascinating features

  • Lyrics translations (Chinese)
  • Chinese Simplified/Traditional switch, Japanese Romaji, Russian Latinization4
  • Dynamic Lyrics Island and Byland Mode
  • Desktop lyrics
  • Lyrics from Netease Cloud Music and Tencent Music
  • Lyrics share
  • ...

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1Syllable-by-syllable lyrics might not be available in some tracks
2A Microsoft Edition copy is required for some customization features
3Lyricify Intelligent Engine requires an active Spotify Premium subscription
4Russian Latinization feature is on the way